Message from CEO
We are making women around the world happy.
It could only be accomplished through an opportune meeting with Dr. Brian Keller. Dr. Keller is already known as a global leader in DDS (technology for accurate drug deliver system for affected areas), cancer treatment and was focused on the development of a variety of pharmaceutical products such as gene therapy drugs.
Rather than investing huge amounts of money for time-consuming drug development, I realized with his QuSome® technology I would be able to commercialize a cosmetic brand in a short period of time. From our mutual goals, Beverly Glen Laboratories was the company born out this serendipitous meeting.
Since its inception, with Dr. Keller's QuSome®, we have consistently developed products that solves various skins problems using cutting-edge active ingredients from around the world. As a result, fortunately we have been able to complete our 2015 b.glen line up of products.
One more item we have persisted on is forgoing the usual wholesale distribution of our products. Instead, b.glen products are directly delivered to our customers solely online through the b.glen website. Additionally, because we are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to listen to what our customer's issues are, their happiness has increased which is reflected in the improvement of our quality.
As for the future of Beverly Glen Laboratories, have set our goals to widen the circle of happiness. In order to achieve this we are planning to expand beyond Japan by building a system that can deliver products to women around the world. Also, we have begun the development of b.glen products beyond the framework of the cosmetic.
We aim to make Beverly Glen Laboratories a company that will continue for 100 years. I would like to sincerely thank everyone and look forward to having a long-lasting friendship.